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Price List

In addition to selling maps and atlases The Borders Map Centre also offer the following range of specialist services.

Area Measurements
We offer an area measurement service of which we can measure parcels of land on Sitemap plots the same time as when they are purchased.


Price List

Sitemap - Rural
Sitemap - Urban
A4 1:500 - £18.00
A4 1:500 - £18.00
A4 1:1250 - £25.00
A4 1:1250 - £25.00
A4 1:2500 - £25.00
A4 1:2500 - £50.00
A3 1:500 - £25.00
A3 1:500 - £25.00
A3 1:1250 - £30.00
A3 1:1250 - £40.00
A3 1:2500 - £49.00
A3 1:2500 - £82.56


Tiff data A4 from £23.50
DXF data from £47.00

Sitemap also available with building fill or in full colour (£2.00 surcharge)

Customised plots available on request from £40.00



A4 1:5000 - £30.00
A4 1:10000 - £30.00
Site centred 3km x 3km 1:5000 - £42.60
Site centred 5km x 5km 1:10000 - £55.00
Customised plots from - £43.60

Tiff data 1:10000 from - £40.00

Landplan available in colour or monochrome and with or without contours